Monday, October 30, 2006

At a Crossroads....

I don't know what to do. I haven't picked up a stamp in over a month, and I honestly don't see myself doing it anytime soon. I'm trying to be realistic with myself - my life when I am working fulltime and running two pre-teen/teenagers around for their sports and events doesn't leave much time for me. Once S is home, although the load will be easier on me, I then spend time with him too so again, no time for me. This is the way life has been and I don't see anything changing it in the foreseeable future.

So herein lies my crossroads. Why do I have this "stamping" blog if I'm not stamping? Do I change the name and make it center more about me and my life and drop in the occasional card if and when I get the time to stamp? Or do I completely give up the blog - do I really need and/or want to put my life out there on the line?

My answer to the latter question is no. I don't really want to put my whole life out there on the line anymore, nor do I believe it's anything everyone wants to read. I came very close earlier today to deleting all my counters and telling everyone to take off their links to me.... I haven't come to that yet, but I don't think it's too far away.

LOL, I'm so torn. I know the easy answer..... your input gladly accepted and appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Hey Karen! I've been thinking about this for a while and I'd miss seeing you post to your blog! I know life as a "single mom" (cause that's what it feels like for me, anyway) is very hard and tiring!

Even if you don't post everyday, it's okay! It's really up to the person blogging on how often they want to post and where the priority for it lies.

Taking care of your kids and performing your best at your job are your number 1 priorities right now, and that's where it should be! You are a hard worker, and you are also supporing your husband as you are taking care of yourself and the kids.

Being a military wife is a hard job! I have a very small taste of what it must be like for you, and when you get downtime you should be able to spend it doing whatever you want. Be it watching a show, reading a book, visiting, stamping, or whatever! Don't let the subject of the blog put restrictions on what you also enjoy doing when you get a break.

((((BIG HUGS)))) to you! I do hope we can plan something after all the Holidays and get together!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen!

Man, I hear you!! Why do I have a 'studio' filled with scrapbook and rubberstamp supplies and I only spend virtually minutes in there each week--and most of those minutes are spent moving things from one area to another as my husband jokingly tells me.

Well...for me my life is extremely busy. I'm a full time nursing student, mother to three, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend...

My life can't center around my 'hobby', and not to mention I loose my Mojo quite frequently--and still wonder if I am more of a collector than an actual scramper. ;)

Because of all of these reasons when I created my blog I decided to make it everyday life. If I scrap something I share it, if I need to whine about my Professors so be it..

A lot of people don't leave comments, don't judge your blog on the number of comments that you receive.

Hugs to you!!
Jenny in Maine
MY BLog: